Friendship Networks and Political Opinions: A Natural Experiment among Future French Politicians
C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers, 2019
Inattention in boys from low-income backgrounds predicts welfare receipt: a 30-year prospective study
Psychological medicine, 2019
The rise of populism and the collapse of the left-right paradigm
CEPREMAP Working Papers, 2018
Childhood environmental harshness predicts coordinated health and reproductive strategies: a cross-sectional study of a nationally representative sample from France
Evolution and Human Behavior, 2018
Trust and social capital
For Good Measure Advancing Research on Well-being Metrics Beyond GDP, 2018
Trust and its determinants
OECD Statistics Working Papers, 2018
The European trust crisis and the rise of populism
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2017
Trust and the Welfare State: the Twin Peaks Curve
The Economic Journal, 2016
The Social Effects of Ethnic Diversity at the Local Level: A Natural Experiment with Exogenous Residential Allocation
Journal of Political Economy, 2016